Deployment of morden automic mationary for construction of chichpani Dam,Jalgaon
Waste weir of chichpani Dam,Jalgaon
Waste weir of chichpani Dam,Jalgaon
Waste weir of chichpani Dam,Jalgaon
Hume pipe trenching of Akluj Water Supply Scheme, Dist.Solapur
Balancing tank of Akluj Water Supply Scheme, Dist.Solapur
Ducting of Water supply schema
Operations & Maintenace at Khed Shivpur & Anewadi,Dist Satara
Kass Dam drinking water project.Dist Satara
Kass Dam drinking water project.Dist Satara
Ginjawani Hydro Electric Project,Tal.Walhe,Dist.Pune(BOT Basis)
Pawnal Dam,Dapoli,Dist.Ratnagiri.
Morna Hydro Elecrtic Project Tal.Patan,Dist.Satara(BOT Basis)
Construction of guide bunds and structures of Kharland dev.Schema,Dhanu,Dist.Palghar
Providing and laying underground cabling works for OFC and MSEDCL at Rahuri, Dist. Ahmednagar and Gunjawani Hydro Power project.